
Arch Enemy Arts – 12th Anniversary Exhibition is Incredible

I had the chance to head down to Arch Enemy Arts on April 5th for their 12th anniversary show.  It was my first time visiting the gallery and boy was I not disappointed, I loved everything about this show.  White snakes wound around pomegranates, goddesses, knights, mushrooms, and monsters… The sheer variety of work present is impressive and the subject matter is right up this Rebel Artist’s heart, lots of weird and wonderful on display. So many artists took part in this exhibition that I’m going to list them at the bottom of this post.  Each of them brought their best work so I would highly recommend you check out this show while it’s up.  It’s almost impossible to take in all the details and nuances on one pass, I circled the entire gallery three times to absorb everything.  I’ll definitely be headed back, later this month before the show is over on the 28th.

Lauren Ys & Makoto Chi are exhibiting their dual exhibition 5 Poisons in the back room. The title is based on the five poisonous animals that emerge in the Spring: centipede, scorpion, frog, snake, and spider. All in all, there is so much to see that you’ll be talking about it for months.

Arch Enemy Arts – 12th Year Anniversary
Show from April 5th-28th
Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-4pm | Sat & Sun 11am-5pm

Instagram (photos)

Artists showcased during this exhibition: April 5th-27th

Adam Augustyn, Adam Wallacavage, Alex Eckman-Lawn, Amandine Urruty, Audrey Montoya, Brian Serway, Briana Hertzog, Bruce Parker, Casey Weldon, Czr Prz, Danielle Schlunegger, Darla Jackson, David Seidman, Dewi Plass, Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe, Eli McMullen, Frank Gonzales, Garrett Cook, Gregory Jacobsen, Haley Manchon, Hallie Packard, Helice Wen, Horrible Adorables, J. Henry, Jane Windsor, Jeff Christensen, Jel Ena, Jeremy Hush, Jessica Dalva, Jessica Hess, Jesus Aguado, Joe Vaux, Joe Vollan, Joey Chiarello, Jordan Kressley, Juliet Schreckinger, kEda Gomes, Kelly Vivanco, Ken Keirns, Kimera Wachna, Kit Curry, Kurt Luch, Lana Crooks, Larysa Bernhardt, Lindsay Florence, Maria Teicher, Mary Esther Muñoz, MECRO, Michael Camarra, Michele Melcher, Michelle Avery Konczyk, Miriam Frank, Molly Devlin, Molly Gruninger, Philip Bosmans, Renan Santos, Sean Hannaway, Shaillin Messer, Shannon Taylor, Shelby Clark, Steve Cleff, SV Williams, Ten Yetman, and Veks Van Hillik

Hi, I’m Nova Nightingale

Writer and Artist from the Delaware Valley Region of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Southern New Jersey. Champion of sub-culture and alternative arts, working to support and promote those artists who don't fit the usual norms.